
实践了GTD的朋友们,可以到国外网站 进行GTD的状态测试,测试一下自己对GTD的理解,掌握以及对生活工作的改变有多大,当然,是全英文的网页,不过都是比较简单的单词和句子。


Congratulations! Your levels of control and perspective are displayed on this simple matrix of control (low to high levels) and perspective (low to high levels). The matrix has four quadrants. Take a look at the quadrant in which your results are displayed, then look up the quadrant descriptor for more insights and great information.

Perspective: 2

Control: 3


Interpreting Your Results

Your "perspective" score was 2 and your "control" score was 3. This means you have scored in the "Implementer / Micro-Manager" quadrant.

You are an Implementer. If you score in this quadrant, you are ahead in maintaining order and structure, and to some degree are using a systematic approach to keep up with your world.

On the developmental side, you are a Micro Manager. The pressures you feel may be coming from the lack of perspective, rather than from your workflow. A certain degree of forms and structure is necessary for freedom; but any more than that creates constriction and limitation. Flexibility is required to maintain real control there must be a degree of cooperation with the environment, which is always more complex and mysterious than we suppose. Over-adherence to structure under changing circumstances can look like misguided perfectionism.

GTD can offer you a systematic approach to managing workflow that is inherently flexible. The process requires you to focus on outcomes the purpose behind any activity—then allows you to capture all those commitments appropriately for intuitive decision-making in the moment. You can still feel in control while flexing with a changing landscape of priorities.

Remember, it is not about what quadrant you are in - it's about knowing how to move from where you are to where you want to be. GTD can help. More information about the quadrants is also available here.


测试结果是"Implementer / Micro-Manager" ,中文简单翻译就是“实施者/微观管理者”。意思就是我是一个方法比较系统的现实实施者,但是对宏观长期的目标的管控不够,这个结果跟我目前的GTD状态也是类似的,我一直没找到将GTD的愿景(goal)转化为现实工作的方法,特别是长期的,比如5年,10年这样的目标。
